i australia at one point you could clearly see the renaults front wing flexing, ALOT, but no-one from the commentry team picked up on it.. maybe i can find a vid.
how old are u? if u have your MSA licence i bet they would let u on, ive seen like 13 year olds on the twins. its fine.
they use 2 GX160s and yea they make around 13hp, really good fun. The weight including driver is around 200kg, and as leifde said, its coz they are beefed up.
it was so obvious hobzie was going to win, he was MBKC MAX champ like 2 years ago :S still very much invloved in the karting world, i bought an intrepid off him only a few months ago...
damn, earlier i wrote a massive post but it isnt here
to summerise what i said but didnt appear, i spoke to a guy at whilton and he can get us 30 mins praccy and quali, and a 2 hour race for £150. usually its £180 but for me its 150, so thats £50 a piece, less than GP cost, but u get even more seat time and better track/karts.
ill post some more details in the next thread. Once again, the provisional date is im hoping to get July 1st
if anyone is looking to find the track on autoroute or something similar, the postcode is NN11 5NH
OK in less than 1 day we already have 5 more people than the maximum was allowed for last years event. looking good. ill speak to someone today about getting a provisional date, then people from further away might be able to look into coming.
OK, im thinking of asking about Saturday July 1st for the event to start in the mid afternoon (1-3pm) I havnt spoken to anyone yet but that would be the date i would try to get.
once i get a couple more people and get a definite provisional date ill ask a mod to lock this one and ill start another thread.
And Keiran to your post below, dont worry im sure that tristan will pay for u
hopefully scavi (devs) will want to come again so we only need another 2 or 3 before ill need to get something concrete. There will be a big fight to see who takes the 3rd seat for the devs
18 teams of 3 people... thats a maximum 54 people... only another 30 places to fill. Maybe we need to get vykos to bring some of his lads over
EDIT Maybe we can sort something out with cyberseat again
yea becky, daytona is a great track and i have raced there quite a few times, although we would be looking to have people walking around with cameras, but daytona has no such areas The 1st corner at daytona is just brilliant, and i love the downhill left into the harpin right near the end, such great fun!
i also looked at rye house, but i think im right in saying hoddeson isnt really near anywhere?? ive never been there. The stadium wouldnt be quite so great in a 4 stroke as a 2 stroke lol
ive never done a corprate event at buckmore but im surprised u say its so disorganised, i would have thought otherwise the track is wicked tho.
PS, are u intrested in coming? whilton and daytona are fairly close.
Lippy, we were thinking of going to whilton mill (when you went did you enjoy that track?), Daytona MK or Buckmore Park. I have looked into MANY other tracks (i started looking last november) and i believe these to be the most suitable.
Daytona is in Milton Keynes, its a terrible track for spectators and pretty expensive, (£200 per team for 2 hours, 18 teams on track), but the track its self is very fun and challenging. Milton Keynes has many good bars and pubs to visit afterwards.
Whilton Mill is in northampton, i can get us a discount to around £160 per team for 2.5 hours. Maximum of 18 teams. It has a great bar at the circuit, and everyone who came last year will know how to get there and also the hotels in Northampton.
Buckmore park is a great track in kent, in the middle of no-where. It doesnt have much night life near by, and hotels are quite far away. it is the best track on this list but the facilities rule it out
This is just a provisional thread to see who is intrested in coming. More details will follow in another thread when we have enough people to make it worth while. Please note, nothing is confirmed 100% yet, until i start to take in deposits.
* The Time: Im still awaiting confirmation but the date i aim for is Saturday July the 1st at around 2pm.
* The Place:Whilton Mill, Daventry just off the M1. Postcode NN11 5NH
* The Cost: The approx cost is £150 per team (£50 each for 3 people, £75 each for 2)
* Time in Karts: We will get 30 mins quali and a 2 hour race, alot longer than last years event, although they are faster karts it is alot less physically demanding.
* People per team: 3 people per team is reccomended, although i have done 2.5 hours on my own before so 2 people or 1 person is possible.
I know the guy who runs this big site www.karting1.co.uk and i recently got him into LFS. He is really enjoying it and hopefully he can cover the event and promote Live For Speed to the karting community and get some more 'professional' drivers in.
yea did a bit of club 100, was great. i was gunna do 100 national in super 1 this year but its a bit expensive. good luck in the red bull thing, i might be there to watch. should be good.